February 07, 2012

Not Too Many Super Bowl Leftovers

Ever wonder what happens with all those food leftovers from major sporting events.  Turns out that Super Bowl executives grappled with that very issue and made reducing food waste one of its major enviornmental priorites this year. 

Turns out that 30,000 pounds of leftovers were donated to Second Helpings, an organization which turns donated food into thousands of meals for those most in need.  Due to nice weather, there was not as much food to be donated as originally thought, but Second Helpings will definitely be able to make good use of the donation (it was projected that as much as 90,000 pounds could be left over).  The creativity really starts once the food gets back to their headquarters.  Prosciutto and caviar - the chefs will make it work. 

This idea sound familiar?  DC Central Kitchen has been collecting leftover food donations and redistributing them to DC's food insecure and homeless populations since 1989.  DCCK also helps adults gain culinary skills which makes them more employable, as well as raise money and awareness about their cause.  This is an AMAZING NGO and was one of my favorite places to volunteer when I was an undergraduate.  If you have time definitely check them out!  Similarly, the founder Robert Egger is extremely charismatic and someone you should try to hear speak at least once in your lifetime. 

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