December 19, 2011

23 1/2 Hours

I found a great 9.5 minute video on prevention!  A Doctor-Professor answers the old question "What is the single best thing we can do for our health" in a completely new way and through a super cool video.

After all his research, he decided upon the "best intervention" because it worked for s many different health problems i.e. hyper-tension, obesity, anxiety, depression, hip fractures in post menopausal women, decrease lower of death, fatigue, QUALITY OF LIFE. 

Best thing to do is be active for 30 minutes a day, nothing more than an hour is needed.  It just has to be walking, nothing crazy. 

Non exercise is the leading risk factor in many of the chronic diseases:
Obesity + NO exercise = bad health outcomes
Obesity + exercise = improved health outcomes

The presentation ended with a question to the audience:  Can you just limit sitting and sleeping to 23.5 hours a day?  i.e. Can you get up and move for at least 30?

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