December 14, 2011

Playing Santa

This morning the Crew met up at 8 am to help deliver toys around Pittsburgh with the National Guard and the Salvation Army.

 Maria Playing Santa

Unpacking the truck!

The morning consisted of a lot of driving, spending 5-10 minutes dropping off toys and then getting back in the car.  80 miles later all of the drop spots had their toys.  While many of us thought the day was a bit of a wash, we were able to put things in perspective when we started to look at the long term picture.  One of the members shared with us that when she was younger she had been one of the kids who received toys from a similar organization.  It is amazing to see how the kindness of others can truly impact another person's life.  This is what it is all about!

What helped was that later that night, Maria, Emma and I were able to go back to one of the locations and sort the toys by families.  This evening (and done dinner at Panera) definitely turned the mood around  Sadly all of the pictures I took were deleted on my phone so I will try to snag some before all the clients show up on Saturday. 

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